Sneaky Pete and the "NOT" loud hatchy
Demo build by Ricky Puryear
Ricky Pete has owned this car since college, worked on it from a crappy rust bucket with 2 Walmart 8s and Razor 2500D to a full interior air conditioned cruiser
1993 Honda Civic Hatchback Owner - Ricky Puryear
Kenwood KDC-X705
1x CES 250A
1x Iraggi 250A
80Ah of Yinlong
1x Sundown Audio SALT-6
1x Sundown Audio SALT-8
1x Sundown Audio SAEV4 200.4
1x Sound Digital EvoX 400.4
4x FI BTL3 12s 1 ohm
Aero port box as a no wall build
Mids and Highs:
Sundown Audio Neo-Pro v3 6.5"
Audio Legion’s MG6 6.5" neos
Ricky Pete has owned this car since college, he has worked on it from a crappy rust bucket with 2 Walmart 8s and a Power Acoustik Razor 2500d to now a full interior air conditioned cruiser with 4 FI 12s with enough force to destroy the car if he'd unleash them.1993 Honda Civic DX hatchback D15b block/z6 head Full interior with ac and heat Honda prelude blade wheels Ces 250a alt 80ah yinlong 4 00 welding wire runs from front to rear Kenwood x705 radio 4 FI btl3 12s Salt 6 EvoX 400.4 2 Neo pro 6.5s and 2 AL mg6.5s Currently does a 155.4 on 6300ish watts and gives out nonstop demos.